Monday, April 23, 2012

Beautiful maps with R and Google Maps

It’s been awhile since I have posted on this blog. I have been caught up in the midst of publishing my thesis works as a book which is now available for at amazon and trying to be adventurous during the harsh but still exciting Norwegian winter.
A friend of mine asked me last week to help him plot locations of boreholes, that he is doing research on, to a decent map. I came up with a suggestion of creating it in R using Google Maps as a base map. Of course this could have been done easily and more aesthetically attractive using the conventional GIS softwares. It is more exciting and reproducible where the R script can be reused easily.

The location of the boreholes was originally recorded using gps in UTM coordinate format. Therefore, I used the spTransform method of rgdal package to convert them into latitudes and longitudes.  The rest of the codes are listed below.

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